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Simon Denizart Quartet

The album Piece of Mind is the fifth album by French pianist Simon Denizart in collaboration with one of the most prestigious jazz labels in North America, Justin Time Records.

Surrounded by musicians recognized both on the national and international scene with whom he has collaborated for many years, Simon offers us an orchestral work in eight scenes which offers a powerful and introspective journey into his musical universe.

Always sensitive to developing new sounds and sonorities with the piano, Simon offers solid melodic and rhythmic playing, supported by virtuosos Elli Miller Maboungou on percussion and Michel Medrano Brindis on drums. Jonathan Arseneau’s electric bass brings an unrivaled groove to the compositions and sometimes transforms into an electric guitar thanks to the bassist’s palette of effects.

Simon Denizart: piano
Jonathan Arseneau: bass
Michel Medrano: drums
Elli Miller Maboungou: percussions

Youtube video: “SIMON DENIZART – 9-4”

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